- Dimensions: 24 x 16 m
- Heights range: from 10 to 16 m
- Main truss: LIBERA FL105
- Towers: 6 x Maxitower76
- Uniformly distributed load UDL: 14000 kg ≈
- Chain hoists: 2000 kg
- Total weight: 12800 kg
- Volume: 116 m3
- Set-up time & number of workers: 6 hrs / 6 w
This is the largest roof system in the LIBERA range, and one of the biggest and best performing on the market. It is based on the LIBERA concept and consists of Maxitower 76 towers and LIBERA FL105 trusses. It is imposing and sturdy, and is – in itself – the most spectacular element of the show. The structure has excellent technical specifications and is highly modular.
Side extensions for suspensions outside the set may be added to the front.